torsdag 7 oktober 2010

Employee surveillance

“The story is generally about trust and faith between a boss and his employees”.

From my perspective it is humiliating with such snooping when you're at work. There must be some kind of special reason to investigate an employee I think. We must take into consideration that there are morally differences between the kinds of surveillance he use. A GPS-logger could be both positive and negative in my mind. On one hand it is practical for the boss to know the location of the employee, since he can route the workers much more optimal but on the other hand the global position system can be misused, by spooning on the employees every hour.

The web-based logging on e-mail and visited WebPages is related to the efficiency of the worker and also as written in the text, the risk of leaks and therefore damaging the reputation of the company.
When I here these numbers in what range spooning is used I get afraid of the dark. I haven’t had a clue that there would be as much spooning as there are. I think it’s sick by all means. The amount of personal required to sift e-mail could not be economically motivated.

Then we have the phone listening. To monitor how much every employee uses his phone, definitely is entitled because it costs money for the company if an employee talks inappropriate amount of time. Regard the listening of the employees, phone calls is a bit pathetic and also indecent by the boss. Why does he need that? A phone is a private property I think and especially your own but also the work-related phone.
On what you post on official websites that has to do with the company shouldn’t be there’s business, but if the publication is improper in somehow there is definitely there’s business. The company must take care of their reputation.

Nearly every other seems to blog these days but I don’t. I think it is like you write a diary in real-time you publish it. Diary should not be for anyone else more than you. I must say that there is a big difference between a blogger and a blogger. Some bloggers maybe write everything and some maybe not. The second of them is to prefer I think. The responsibility in what you are writing is on you and that’s why you should be careful in what you type.
The Facebook is great in many ways. You can interact and co-operate with other people 1000 miles away if you would like. The intranet is gigantic and genealogy has become more easily accessible. You can even get a job trough Facebook. But Facebook has side issues, like spooning is much more easy than before and the downside is of course that employer’s check your face before he/her hires you.

The last-mentioned web related interactive methods are in a sensitive and a vulnerable forum.

The text mentions a worker that watches children pornography and that is a crime that the company should be aware of directly. But when a worker does not wash his/her hands with soap it’s not decent to fire him/her just give him/her a notification. Usually this is only about manner and behavior, but in that industry it is extremely important to be clean so you don’t get complains of a costumer that suffered from a stomach disorder after eating your food.

The content in the text can be summarized by saying that "no one seems to trust anyone”. My hope is that there should be a mutual connection between the employees and the boss that results in trustiness and a faithfulness-working environment.